Nous sommes partis depuis seulement une semaine et j ai l impression d etre ici depuis des mois tellement notre vie est intense en voyage

INTENSE :  nous avons visiter un paradis sur terre,,,, baignade dans l eau turquoise remplie de banc de poissons, l eau est tellement transluicide que l on peut compter les poissons mais c est une tache ardue puisqu il y en a des centaines et il sont tous de la meme espece ) J ai nager avec eux en les touchant de partout tellement il y en avait

,,,,pour couronner ces superbes chutes d eau ,  c etait egalement une spectaculaire randonnee pedestre dans la jungle avec ses bambous ,,,ses lianes ,, l odeur du climat tropical ,,, et la beaute des 7 differentes chutes d eau ,,, certaines sont en tourbillon ,,,d autres en cavernes ,,,, l une d elle est comme une vraie glissade d eau puisque sa parois rocheuse et lisse permet de glisser d environ 4 metres de haut en chutant directement dans le bassin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sans oublier la chute d eau  plane ou je m y suis allonge comme dans un lit d eau continuellement en mouvement ,,,, WOW ,,

Merci  Dieu ,,, pour tout les splendeurs de la nature ,,,


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  3. bus ride
    To get to the train traveling south of the country, we had to take the bus traveling from village, except that with the language barrier and a lack of confidence, we did not disembark from the bus before the next major city listed on our map,,, (in each bus, there is a guide that tells people or discharging ),,,,,,,,,, alas, he charged us $ 0.75 extra each and we did not know if c was to grease the pocket or not ,,,,, Finally, the bus stopped in front of a giant Buddhist temple ((((or is the train station))),,, in my tour guide, he s acting from a place to visit, except that $ 3 later with our entry tickets,,, the temple was closed,,,, after a long time around the palace in search of a door entrance,,, it was time to find the train station,,, thanks to a chance that my girlfriend Julie, J stays equipped with a notebook has images, showing a picture of me and train approaching the station when we were pointing the direction to follow but this is n not very precise because,,, NOBODY speaks English except ,,,,,,,, thank you god a girl who went on our way,,,,
    Posted by Michel and Nadine trip at 9:21 PM 0 comments
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    J have so many things to tell that I'm back on my last story to tell later. During our hike at Erawan, a poster mentioned the <ban bring food beyond a certain limit to the park entrance al. We understood why !!,,,,,,,,, These small monkeys that invade this place is very touristy and very mischievous creatures. They are all ready to go with your backpack when their great sense of smell detects places to eat in this one, ,,,,,,,,,,, We were in bathing when Michael noticed a monkey hanging half way of the tree above our purse. ,,,,, J had thought of asking him wince from which he never flinched unless I was waving a stick with big gesture .,,,,,,,,,, My friend Claude was a bit warmer throwing his monkey biscuit loaded on him (or rather on the cake as he was eating,,, then,,,, I wonder why he was walking with his stick, lol
