JOUR 1 ,,,,,une heure avant le depart

TITRE DE L EPISODE :  Commencer la journee avec une grosse Gaffe ,,,,

Nos amis ont choisit de dormir dans un dortoir miteux , Michel trouvait l endroit acceptable ((( il a comprit que j avais raison lorsque je me suis raviser d y dormir la troisieme nuit )))  mais avant de vous parler de la 3 eme nuit ,,,

je commencerai a raconter la premiere anecdote au matin de la premiere nuit ,,,,,,

Donc ,,, 2 km plus loin , a la sueur de notre corps en entier , nous avons gravit le chemin jusqu au motel cacher entre les arbres ou nous etions les seul clients ,,,,La veille tout etait beau et magique avec la decouverte d un arbre fruitier plein de lychee mais puisque la fatigue nous tenaillait nous avons remis la cueillette au lendemain mais la tournure de l evenement critique changer mon plan , lol

DEVINEZ ce qui peut casser en mille morceaux sans avertissement ,,,,,,,,,,,,???

J ai juste eu le temps de crier et le lavabo de la toilette s echouait a mes pieds  ,,,   ( je dois specifier a mon pere que je n etait pas pendu dessus ),,,,,,,  

le tuyau de la robinetterie coulait a flot et la ceramique blanche du defunt lavabo couvrait le plancher ,,,,,,,Nous etions des criminelles sagageur en pays musulman dans un village ou il n y a meme pas de guichet automatique ATM ,,,,,,et nous devions etre reunis au campement dans moins de 1 hr pour notre depart dans la jungle  ......

...........................................................hiultgiulrgfiwuegfiwegcuiwegciwegiugw   ????

La seule personne sur les lieux etait la meme femme zen rencontrer la veille ,, elle ne s est meme pas donner la peine de venir voir les degats. Elle se contentait de repeter le prix a payer pour un lavabo de remplacement ,,,lol ,,, ca ne doit pas etre la premiere fois qu un lavabo "en equilibre sur un tuyau d aluminium" pete...

Finalement DIEU MERCI ,,, le cout de la vie etant raisonnable , le lavabo made in china a coute 26 $ us ( le double du prix de la chambre cette nuit la )

Notre charge a ete enleve ,,,

1 comment:

  1. Jungle
    We have researched the best guide to the region following the course of events ,,,,, instead of relying al marketing agency that organizes while rounding $$$,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,

    It s called Basadi twenty five years with scars all over the Rangers left arm (the fire with evil wake). It is a curious guy and friendly nature that has lived with the natives of the region to learn the basics of the jungle,,,, His enthusiasm was with us from shipping was instantly lower the cost of the package of one night 4 meals and two days in the jungle D ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also the other agency amazing shape a group of 11 tourists with their guide and they have not had n half of our chance live as many attractions wild ,,,,,,,,,,,, J have so much to tell,,,

    To get more deeply inside the huge al national park, we cross the river for an hour in a boat through the waves guaranteeing to take showers on the way,,,

    We walk in the jungle for 5 hours over a distance of only 8 km Because it has an interest in taking our time so as not to risk leaving a few scraps of flesh on the thorny vines cotoyant our way (it is sometimes as big a trunk that giant bamboo), an anecdote as an example was that thorny stem m snatched the hat on his head,,,,

    Having been vigilant, na person was walking érafler but nevertheless, we've all been sucked by leeches ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, they climb onto our shoes in our isolate s down to their feast bloody, the most impressive aspect was the bottom of my bloodshed has 3 locations ,,,,,,,,,,,,

    HAVE NO FEAR, it looks like worms and are far from being innocuous and painful, except for our friend Youness, who feared the worst (and c was so funny to hear expressions passengers panic)

    I'll be back with the story of the bat cave,,,, walking in the moonlight,,, spend the night in the cave ,,,,, visit the indigenous community,,,,

    I run to catch the plane to Jakarta,,,, yesterday we were in Singapore ,,,,, xxxx
    Posted by Michel and Nadine Traveler at 2:01 AM 0 comments
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    DAY 1 ,,,,, one hour before departure
    TITLE OF THE EPISODE: Begin the day with a big hook,,,,

    Our friends have chosen to sleep in a dingy dorm, Michel was the location acceptable (((he knew that I was right when I think again the third night sleep dy))) but before you talk about the 3 rd night ,,

    I start telling the story in the first morning of the first night ,,,,,,

    So,, 2 km away, has the sweat of our entire body, we climbed the path up to the motel to hide among the trees where we were the only customers,,,, The day everything was beautiful and magic with the discovery of a tree full of lychee fruit but as fatigue gripped us we handed over the collection but after the turn of the critical event change my plan, lol

    Guess what might break into pieces without warning ,,,,,,,,,,,,???

    I've just had time to scream and sink to the toilet s failed at my feet,,, (I must specify my father that I was not hung over n ),,,,,,,

    hose taps flowed and white ceramic sink the deceased covered the floor ,,,,,,, we are criminals in sagageur Muslim country in a village where not even nya ATM ATM ,,,,, and we had to be united to camp in less than 1 hr for our departure in the jungle ......

    .................................................. ......... hiultgiulrgfiwuegfiwegcuiwegciwegiugw??

    The only person on the scene was the same woman zen meet the day before, it did is not even bother to come see the damage. She was content to repeat the price to pay for a replacement sink,,, lol,,, it should not be the first time that a sink "balancing on a pipe aluminum" pete ...

    THANK GOD finally,, the cost of living is reasonable, made in china lavatory has cost us $ 26 (double the price of the room that night)

    Our load was removed,,,
