Les hasards ne sont que des rendez-vous

Nos amis ont louer une grande chambre avec plusieurs lits et puisqu un autre ami s est rajouter au groupe ,, ils ont louer une seconde chambre aussi spacieuse ,,,,,,,, Donc ,, il y avait desormais un lit de libre pour nous ,,, sauf qu en sachant que notre budget etait limiter ,,, ils ont offert de nous laisser partager le prix de la chambre pour le meme cout que nous payions deja ,,, : la moitie du cout par personne,, le prix original ayant ete diviser pour 5 personnes...

Apres avoir discuter avec Michel ,,, nous etions pour accepter l offre ( etre pres de la plage avec nos amis etait un vraie joie et egalement  ,,, je convoitais un beau grand matelas moelleux )

L avant derniere matinee avant de transferer de chambre ,,, je marchais sur le border walk ( et je marchais dans la mauvaise direction sans le savoir ,,,,QUAND..... j ai revu des amis Australiens que nous avions rencontrer sur le continent la semaine passer,,, Nos amis de passage quittaient l ile de Boracay pour une autre ile des Philippines ,,, j ai donc demander si ils avaient aimes leur sejour et ils m ont dit que c etait un peu cher et q ironiquement ,, le cout de la bouffe surpassait celui de l hebergement ,,, ???

J ai sauter sur l occasion ( merci a mes anges des economies )  

Nous avons desormais une nouvelle chambre pour 600 pesos au lieu de 800 pesos ,,, avec un lit confortable ,, plus d espace et une toilette privee ,,, parceque le terrain autour est en reconstruction et qu il y a un peu de bruit pendant le jour ,,, y a rien la ,,,, la vie est belle ...

on a donc decider de se gater et on a accompagner nos amis pour de la peche en " haute " mer

1 comment:

  1. Pecher of fish aquarium, to eat sushi with excellent ...
    a great experience unique,,, we fished with son's hand wrap around fishing reel, the fish were wonderfully beautiful and there were only Cynthia and I who have believed in their good taste,,, ,,

    c was a delight with vinegar and red onions Seasoned well ,,,,,,, just us 2,,,, a chance Because the portion was minimal (16 fish tank (as big as my hand) to condition by the owner the boat)
    Posted by Michel and Nadine trip at 7:37 PM 0 comments
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    The chances are that appointments
    Our friends have to rent a large room with several beds and another friend since s is added to the group, they rent a second bedroom also spacious ,,,,,,,, So, there was now a bed for free us, except that knowing that our budget was limited, they offered to let us share the room rate for the same cost we pay already,,,: half the cost per person, price original having been divided for 5 people ...

    After talking with Michael,,, we were to accept the offer (to be near the beach with our friends was a true joy and also,,, I coveted a nice big fluffy mattress)

    The morning before last before transferring chamber, I walk on the side walk (I walked in the wrong direction without knowing it,,,, j ..... WHEN friends saw him as Australians we meet on the continent to spend the week,,, Our friends were leaving the passage of Boracay island to another island of the Philippines,,, I have to ask if they love their stay and they said that m c was a bit expensive and ironically q , the cost of the food surpassed that of the hosting,,,??

    I have the jump on the opportunity (thank you to my angels of economies)

    We now have a new room for 600 pesos instead of 800 pesos, with a comfortable bed, more space and a private toilet,,, because the ground around it is being rebuilt and that there is some noise during the day,, there's nothing,,,, life is beautiful ...

    So we decided to spoil and we support our friends for fishing in "high" sea
