Mes Recommodations ,,,,,

Le Nepal est la nature a son meilleure  ,,,, et c est encore mieux si on peut se passer du froid parcequ en decembre c est la fin de la saison touristique et le debut de l hiver Nepalais ......donc en aout / septembre et octobre c est plein de monde qui font du trekking ,,,, avant ca c est la periode des pluies ,,,,

et L hiver Nepalais n est pas comparable avec nos hiver ,,,, meme s il fait generalement moins froid qu au Canada ,,, a Lukla et les montagnes environnantes et encore d avantage en altitude ,,,,ils n ont pas d electricite , pas d eau courante ,, les maisons sont mal isoler et les chassis ont des fenetres simple,,,, et bizarrement ,, les Nepalais aiment garder leur porte d entree grande ouverte ,,,,

certains ont la chance d avoir des panneaux solaire

et des petits  poeles a "  bois " 

Les Nepalais ( hommes / femmes / enfants ) transportent a partir du mois de decembre leurs bois de chauffage dans de gros panier tresser avec du bambou,,,,,,,,,,,,,il s agit d enorme charge porter sur leurs dos cambrer par ce poid excessif qui bien souvent excede le poid de leurs propres corps ,,,,,,,,ect ,,, en altitude ,,,,,avec des gougounes aux pieds ,  ,,, la viellesse ,,,rien ne les arretent ,,,, ils sont tellement travaillant et c est la meme chose pour l epicerie ,,, les hommes recoivent un maigre salaire mensuel pour etre de veritable mulet humain ,,, ou bien ils ont la chance d avoir des yak et ils les fouettes ,  leurs siffles apres  ,les tienne par la queue et ils vont meme jusqu a leurs lancer des roches pour les mener a bon port ,,,

Pourquoi le bois de chauffage est permis qu a partir de decembre seulement   ,,, parceque le gouvernement a beaucoup de controle sur le peuple et que durant le reste de l annee il est defendu d utiliser du bois de chauffage ,,,, donc ,,, deviner quoi ,,,, les selles de yak ( bisons ) sont secher et utiliser comme combustible ,,,,mais c est un million de fois meilleure que la merde des vaches de l Inde ,,,,les yak mange de l herbe des montagnes comparablement au depotoir urbain ....j ai hate de vous montrer les photos de ces belles betes cornu,,,,

Bref   ,,,, Michel et moi avons souvent dormi avec des temperatures en bas de zero ,,, dans des faux sleeping bag de duvet en location ,,, avec nos manteaux , tuques et mitaines et quelques fois nous avions la chance de "voler" tous les edredons des autres chambre quand il n y avait pas trop de touristes a notre Lodge ,,,,,  notre groupe s etant diviser en deux en plein milieu de l expedition ,,, j etais seule avec Michel et notre Sherpa ,,, nous lui avions preter quelques fois un sleeping bag parceque c etait parfois inhumain de voir dans quelle condition ,,,ils le laisse dormir ,,,,je ne comprends pas encore comment on peut traiter un etre humain comme un chien ,,,,

bon bien ,,,,, je dois filer ,,, a demain

nadine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Michael is beautiful like a heart
    today,, I still had an excess of coconut oil in hair j becaufe had taken 3 hours during which I listen to j 2 movies sitting on my bed hotel with a long tooth comb to untangle my dreads patienment (flanges of hair matted) formed during the 15 days of trekking ,,,,, Michel's side, with the rope instead of having dreads j ,,,,, So I find a hair salon and $ 2 for Nepali later, I was fine again ,,,,, Michel has therefore decided to take advantage and c was the first time in his life that a barber shaved his beard with a razor blade,,,, then this was the turn of a hair cut with round earrings and cleaning the neck, it is impeccably perfect ,,,,, with a touch of after shave,,, c is a city man ... Mike Horn finished the look with chapped lips, nose, peeling and cracking of skin dryness,,,, Tomorrow, I dream of a facial,,,, FINALLY, and I promise to download my photos,,,
    Posted by Michel and Nadine Traveler at 8:17 AM 0 comments
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    My Recommodations ,,,,,
    Nepal is nature at its best,,,, and c is even better if we can do without the cold in December Because c is the end of the tourist season and the beginning of the winter thus Nepali ...... August / September and October c is full of people who are trekking,,,, before ca c is the rainy period,,,,

    The Nepali and winter is not comparable with our winter,,,, even if he is generally so cold that in Canada, has Lukla and the surrounding mountains and even advantage of high altitude,,,, n they have no electricity , no running water, houses are poorly insulated and window frames have simple,,,, and bizarrely, the Nepali like to keep their doors wide open to entry,,,,

    some are fortunate enough to have solar panels

    and small stoves "wood"

    The Nepali (men / women / children) transport from the month of December, their firewood in large woven baskets with bamboo ,,,,,,,,,,,,, it s huge burden on their wear arching back by excessive weight which often exceeds the weight of their own bodies ,,,,,,,, ect,,, ,,,,, aloft with flip-flops on his feet,,,, the Old Age,,, nothing not stop them,,,, so they are working and c is the same for the shop,,, men receive a meager monthly salary to be true mule human, or they have the chance to have a yak and they whip their whistle after the hold by the tail and they'll even up to their throwing rocks to lead a good port,,,

    Why is firewood that has allowed only from December,,, because the government has much control over the people and for the rest of the year it is forbidden to use firewood,,,, therefore, , guess what,,,, yak feces (bison) are dried and used as fuel,,,, but c is a million times better than the shit of the cows of India,,,, the yak eats the grass Mountain comparably in urban dump .... I can not wait to show you pictures of these beautiful beasts with horns,,,,

    In short,,,, Michael and I often stayed with temperatures below zero,,, in false sleeping bag and down to rent, with our coats, hats and mittens and sometimes we had the chance to "steal "All of the other quilts room when there was not too many tourists to our Lodge ,,,,, s our group being split into two in the middle of the expedition,,, J stays alone with Michael and our Sherpa,,, we had to lend him a few times a sleeping bag was becaufe c sometimes inhuman to see in what condition, they let him sleep,,,, I still do not understand how to treat a human being like a dog,,,,
