les premiers soins furent de s occuper de bebe

Notre trajet de retour economique consistait a prendre un premier bateau de 15 min, suivit du fameux ferry de 7 hrs ,,,pour ensuite se reposer une demi nuit a l hotel parceque des le lendemain une captivante ride de mini-van de 3 hrs ((( avec 14 personnes a bord )))  le chauffeur etait facher de ne pas avoir pu coincer une autre personne sur notre banquette arriere et pour le calmer j avais mentionner qu on payerait le tarif d une personne supplementaire sauf qu en realite tout le monde a trouver place a l interieur ( les phillipino n ont pas de bulle ) , et finalement un derniere autobus de 2 hrs pour Manille suivit de 2 taxis......ouff

l anecdote de notre derniere croisade fut d intervenir  quand une femme paniquant a l idee de mourir en pleine mer a eu une crise d hyperventilation avec son bebe en crise dans ses bras .........

Peu importe la technique du sac de papier ect  ,,,,La meilleure solution fut de bercer son bebe et c etait charmant de voir la petite fille d un an se calmer dans les bras de Michel ,,, j imitais les OUUUU des montagnes russes pour amuser l enfant .... c etait totalement approprier ,,,

Ce bateau de type fast boat etait  encore plus rock and roll ,,,,

ma copine Cynthia aimerait partager une citation : Je tiens a partager mon experience horrifiante dans ce bateau de mongole.  Le Super Cat etait vraiment beau de l'exterieur mais mon reve etait de quitter les lieux tellement j'etais traumatiser par l'effet des vagues.  Je suis une personne qui aime les turbulences mais il y a des limites hein.  Les vagues defoncaient le bateau, tellement, que le bateau levait et on entendait les moteurs coupes pour eviter de chavirer.  C'etait un rollercoaster magnifique.  Une experience inoubliable.  J'ai passe a travers et je suis heureuse d'avoir vecu cette experience avec Nadine et Michel en voyage.  Une chance que Michel etait a cote de moi.  Pauvre de lui je me suis agripper a son bras pendant qq instant. Nadine et Michel avait du fun.

C'etait moins drole pour Michel qui a trouve un sac de vomit coince dans la tablette du siege avant.  En s'assoyant, il sentit un liquide juteux lui coller sur la jambe. Eh oui, c'etait le sac de vomit mal scelle du passager precedent.

d autres anecdotes suivront,,,,,lol

1 comment:

  1. first aid were to take care of baby s
    Our return trip was economical to take a first boat for 15 min, followed by the famous ferry to 7 hrs, and then rest a half night s. Because of the hotel next to a thrilling ride mini-van for 3 hours (( (with 14 people on board))) the driver was angry for not being able to catch another person on our bench and back to calm him J had mentioned that it would pay the price of an extra person except that in reality everyone al find a place inside (the phillipino n have no bubbles), and finally a last bus to Manila 2 hrs followed by 2 taxis ...... Ouff

    the story of our last crusade was to intervene when a woman panicking al idea of dying at sea has had an attack of hyperventilation in crisis with his baby in his arms .........

    Whatever the technique of paper bag ect,,,, The best solution was to rock her baby and c was charming to see the little girl a year settling into the arms of Michael,,, I imitated the OUUUU rollercoaster to amuse the child .... c was completely appropriate,,,

    This type of boat fast boat was still more rock and roll,,,,

    my girlfriend Cynthia would like to share a quote: I want to share my horrifying experience in this boat Mongolian. The Super Cat was really beautiful from outside but my dream was to leave I was so traumatized by the effect of waves. I am a person who loves turmoil but there are limits to hein. Waves smash the boat, so that the boat got up and we heard the engines cut to avoid capsizing. It was a wonderful rollercoaster. An unforgettable experience. I went through and I'm glad I lived this experience with Nadine and Michael travel. A chance that Michael was beside me. Poor him I was grabbing his arm for qq instant. Nadine and Michael had fun.

    It was less funny for Michel who found a bag of vomit stuck in the front seat shelf. By sitting, he felt a juicy liquid paste him on the leg. Yep, that was the bag of vomit poorly sealed with the previous passage.
