la bat cave

L odeur se detectait a des km a la ronde ,,,elles sont des milliers a l interieur ,,,nous n etions pas certain de vouloir aller plus loin pour voir le spectacle mais l odeur fini par devenir supportable apres les 15 min passer a l exterieur de la caverne ,,, pour y acceder , il fallait grimper a l aide d une corde pour se hisser a l interieur de l ouverture de la caverne ,,,,c etait sombre et immense mais grace a une lampe de poche on derangeait la colonie et ca grouillait sur toutes les parois de la caverne ,,  du plafond jusqu a chaque recoin ,,et on entendait leurs pialements

Dans la grotte , notre ami Rachid a glisser par terre et ce qu il croyait etre de la terre sur ses mains etait en realite les excrements agglutiner en epaisse couche ,,,, disons que s avancait a pas de tortue la dedans ,,,

Notre ami a prise une photo mais a cause du manque de lumiere , la photo reflete sinistrement les miliers de yeux des " bat "

,,Pour souligner L  INCROYABLE aventure,,,j ai meme des photos  "d une specimen"  fraichement morte trouver a l exterieur de la caverne mais je la mettrai en ligne sur le blog a l halloween pour voir faire peur , lol ou bien je devrais peut etre m abstenir pour vous garder comme auditeur ??? 

 j ai des photos de tarentules ( prise a l aquarium de kuala lumpur ) mais celles la ,, je vais les censurer ,, promis ,,,,

1 comment:

  1. ,,,,,,,,, Jakarta the capital of indonesia
    We love The indonesia ,,,,,,,,,,, everything is so different from a country other al

    Today we visit a historical museum and we observed that adolescents were taking pictures of us al unannounced, finally, a young person to break the ice by talking in a queue waiting for the elevator and take my request permission to be photographed between Michelle and I,,,, followed by each of his two girlfriends and then open the ball ,,,,,,,,, different people from all sides with their camera (or cell phone photo) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, s hand is his picture is about twenty times with each of them ,,,,, I understand better now my sister, lol ,,,,, j imagine c is because we're big and different, and I would say that I find most beautiful and smiling Indonesians that the Malaysians or Thais ,,,,( c is my first impression)

    In short,, after 1 month in Thailand, 1 week and 1 day at Malaysia Singapore,,, c ,,,,,, is my opinion

    there are well confirm my love for this beautiful country by remaining at least 3 weeks,,,, then we will go to Cambogde to see the ruins, but we'll see,,, each day has the profile of our journey is taking shape, ,,

    Before yesterday before we made 8 hours Train up a Singapore, the next morning we took a ferry boat up in Indonesia and then jump on the deal to an airline Indian that brought us to Jakarta (1h30 flight),,, , for $ 40 per person

    Tomorrow the train to Bohor and its botanical garden,,,,

    see you soon xxx ,,,,,
    Posted by Michel and Nadine Traveler at 3:27 AM 0 comments
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    Sleeping in a cave
    Our guide told us about the importance of lighting a fire to prevent wild animals from entering the cave during sleep ,,,,,,,, Guides in the region say that wild elephants are dangerous,,, when he s raining they enter shelter in the cave,, the entrance of the cave is narrow and steep but they pass by,,, Oh Well,,, all that we saw c is the trace of their passage through the jungle ( any vegetation flattened by the single file of the family of elephants,,,

    We cook our meals in the cave and s was better than the food of the restaurant,,,, imagine that with all the hunger is better and I think back ,,,,,,,, jy saliva,,, c was a dinner frankette has good sitting on the ground around the fire,,,

    The next step was to sleep on the floor firmly rock ,,,,,,,, a chance I'm not skeletal because my mattress would not be enough No, our sleeping bag was also needed to avoid the tickle of ants,,,

    j I slept well,,,, we had interest becaufe the next day we were walking on a much different way back,,, to a river for a swim well deserved (the day we got the tactics fill a bottle of water in the small creek for a shower,,,
    Posted by Michel and Nadine Traveler at 2:56 AM 0 comments
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    Walking at night in the jungle
    Thanks to our guide, we are out of the box,, At night the jungle teeming with insects at night,,,, spiders on the walls of rock, a species of millipedes (which calls Hundren s bequest) a little more dangerous Cause he has a big dart,,,, we crossed a frog but it should not touch him either (venomous secretions ),,,,,,,,, short we have seen a land scorpion but even though our guide touched a twig fitted sheet al entry of its soil, it is not s show, our guide said that he was acting for a scorpion s gray, for the rest of the photos I j,,,, and for all Otherwise, there are master card ,,,,,,,, lol
