Marcher en pleine nuit dans la jungle

Grace a notre Guide , nous sommes sorti des sentiers battus ,,, La nuit , la jungle grouille d insectes nocturnes,,,, araignees sur les parois rocheuse , un espece de milles pattes ( qui s appelle Hundren legs ) un peu plus dangereux parcequ il a un gros dart ,,,, nous avons croisee une grenouille mais il ne fallait pas lui toucher non plus ( secretions venimeuse ),,,,,,,,,bref nous avons vu un terroir de scorpion mais meme si notre guide a fait vibrer une brindille muni d une feuille a l entree de son terroir , il ne s est pas montrer , notre guide disait qu il s agissait d un scorpion gris  ,,, pour tout le reste j ai des photos ,,,,et pour tout le reste , il y a master card ,,,,,,,,lol

1 comment:

  1. the bat cave
    The odor is detected at km radius,,, they al thousands inside,,, n we Were not sure you want to go further to see the show but the smell eventually became unbearable after the 15 minutes pass and outdoors of the cave, to get there, had to climb al using a rope to climb inside the al opening of the cave,,,, c was dark, but thanks to a huge flashlight is disturbed the colony and AC swarmed all over the walls of the cave, the ceiling was up every corner, and we heard their pial

    In the cave, our friend Rashid drag on the ground and what he believed to be the earth on his hands was actually the excrement agglutinate in thick layer,,,, say s that move at a turtle in there,,,

    Our friend took a picture but because of lack of light, the picture reflects the sinister eyes of thousands of "bat"

    ,, To celebrate the incredible adventure,,, I have even pictures "of a specimen" freshly dead al found outside the cave but I'll put it online on the blog to see al-Halloween scare, lol or maybe I should be m refrain to keep you as a listener??

    J have pictures of tarantulas (taking al kuala lumpur aquarium) but the ones, I'll censor, promised,,,,
