A propos du temple qui venere la "vermine"

Au depart ,, j avais mis mes grosse bottes de trekking pour aller faire la visite du temple ,,, Ensuite ,,,comme la plupart des temples d Asie ,, la coutume veut que nous enlevions nos chaussures a l entree du temple ,,, j ai donc mis mes petites pantouffe en demandant a Michel de se tenir a cote de moi pendant la visite dans le cas echeant ou j aurais besoin de lui sauter dans les bras ,,,,  

Apres 5 min a l interieur ,, tu commences a t y faire ,,, ils sont tous pareils ,, pas trop gros ou monstrueux ,, juste ordinaire ,,,tellement il y en a partout dans tout les " racoins " ,,autour de gros bol de lait ,,profitant d offrandes ,,, le plus drole etait de voir des Indiens assis par terre avec un gros plat de bouffe dont ils partageait le contenu allegrement avec la multitude ,,,

L autre aspect du temple que j ai trouver comique etait l immense grillage au dessus de la place publique du temple pour empecher les oiseaux de proie de chasser le butin ,,,

1 comment:

  1. About a camel safari
    When t have a lot of expectations, are likely to be disappointed larger, Michel said: That he would never ascend a camel over a long distance, I should mention that it s is even made light bulbs has the strength to hold hands firmly Pomeau saddle for him to avoid having testicles blue,,,,

    our friend Pamela decided to walk on the way home. They walked with the guide before the coveted Al and it was also surprising to note from whom they distance us, it seems that walking is a faster way to get around,,, I imagine that a 44 degree sun, it is wiser to sit "quietly" on your camel,,,, but I didn t find that the heat was unbearable, on the contrary,, there is no humidity .... d c is very very dry,,,

    My personal comment on the state of my condition a camel is next,,, I have done well to complain to optenir 3-4 cushion was placed under my ass sore, otherwise my knee was shaking because of the sensitive and my groin is more for me to warm up eventually to the split,,, lol

    The good side of things was,,, I wrote another message to avoid that the computer will erase my message if any of a power outage
    Posted by Michel and Nadine Traveler at 3:54 AM 0 comments
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    About the temple that worships the "vermin"
    Departing, j'd put my big boots to go trekking tour of the temple,,, Then, like most of the temples of Asia, the custom is that we remove our shoes al entrance of the temple,,, j've put my little pantouffe by asking Michael to stand next to me during the visit if any or J would need him to jump into his arms,,,,

    After 5 min al interior, you begin aty do, they are all alike, not too big or monstrous, just ordinary,,, so there are around all the "racoins" around large bowl milk, taking advantage of offerings, the funniest was seeing Indians sitting on the ground with a big dish of food which they cheerfully shared the contents with the multitude,,,

    The other aspect of the temple that I have found funny was the huge fence above the public square of the temple to prevent the birds of prey to hunt for loot,,,
