Phuket , a premiere vue ,,, est un endroit dédier aux touristes ,, cette ville est située a l'extrème pointe sud de la Thailande  , ici la température est très chaude et humide ...dans 2 semaines ce sera une autre transition difficile lorsque je serai de retour a Montreal en plein hiver MAIS pas aussi difficile que notre transition Bali - New Delhi ,,,, lol

Demain,,, notre hotel 4 etoiles sera Gratos ,,, je vous reviendrai avec les détails veux d'abord vous parler du trajet Chiang Mai - Phuket ,,, ((tout de meme))...pour se rendre ici ,,, Michel y a gouté ,,, il a accepter une situation désemparante avec un renforcement mental continu ( ca va aller ,,, ca va aller ,,, ca va aller ) Bref ,, c etait 27 hrs de voyagement sans avoir fermer l oeil ne serait-ce qu un moment ,,,3 differents autobus et pour couronner le tout : une attente  interminable pour transférer d autobus sur le bord d une route désertique entre 5 am et midi avec toute la population Thai de l autobus biensur ce dernier autobus de 7hrs etait l incarnation de l enfer sur terre pour Michel ,, 50 degree celcius "avec 4 voisins sur le meme banc que lui " ,,, pas de fenetres dans cet autobus roulant a 30 km et qui s arrete toutes les 5 minutes pour pousser le maximum de monde a s'entasser dans le bus ,,, et le supplice ultime d un interminable trajet quand le traffic a saluer l entree dans la ville de Phuket pendant 1 hr et demi avant d'arriver a destination...

Les consequences furent nombreuses ,,, premierement l idee drastique de " tout casser "  ::::::::: Michel a carrement reflechit a un moyen de fracasser la fenetre pour avoir enfin de l air ,,, son scenario etablit ,, il avait meme sorti son long foulard de son sac en l'enroulant autour de son coude pour defoncer la fenetre du bus ,,,

Bref ,, mon pauvre cheri a ete deshydrater , ( 500 ml d eau en 27 hrs ) affamer ( il n a rien manger pendant 27 hrs ) , depressif de surcroit , sans repaires ,, sans sommeil ,, seul et souffrant ,,,  

je trouve ca completement debile ,,,,,  mon amour a un pouvoir mental incroyable qui le pousse dans des limites dangereuses pour sa sante,,,  il a debarquer du bus ,,, a vomis ,, il a eu la nausee pendant toute la journee et a jeuner une autre journee entiere ,,,, parcequ'il était incapable de manger

1 comment:

  1. Checkup of the trip,,,, 2 of our friends are sick right now, and the chicken is involved

    I am very glad that our journey is unwound without inconveniencing s health major, is a list of our small animals (just to laugh)

    1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lately michel s is practically tear the nail of the big toe trying to get his motorcycle with a "parking" or more of the motorcycle crashed,,, So there you stood the two hands on the handlebars to fall when his motorcycle in the elan of strength that he used to leave his motorcycle parking, the tripod edge of the bike is back in his toe by lifting.

    (Stations in Asia are generally no matter what, no matter where,,, I remember that in indonesia we had to pay for a guy as he oversees our motorcycle is short this n that Koh Samui has Chang Mai (Thailand) and Yogyakarta (Indonesia) that we rent bikes.

    2 ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Michel eating a noodle soup with fish sauce has a bus stop during a trip of 12 hours in Cambodia ,,, after a week of stomach pains and diarrhea, he finally took antibiotics for a week

    3 J :::::::::::::::::::::: journne have known the suffering most of my life was my second day of trekking in Nepal (n the army would not have done better, lol)

    I have 4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: catch the dengue virus in India: Fever, fatigue extreme point of not wanting to walk, dizziness (low pressure), pain inside of al orbitres eyes felt mostly by rolling my eyes, red patch on legs and more strange was the palms of my hands have thickened, becoming yellowish and horned itching was terrible,,,,

    I did not even know what I had to perfect and everything,,, I have to start to be depressed after having to endure one week to complete various ailments caused by the virus (and an overdose of Indians), and all this length at least 2 weeks to recover m.

    I've known that I had had dengue when j I talk to our doctor friends who made the trek with us in Nepal and then J had by going to the bottom look on the internet,,, in short, this virus is not dangerous unless I catch a second time.

    5 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Michel had sinusitis (such as al usual) and I was c flu that I remove the taste and smell (just before that one lands in India ...)

    6 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Michel had a crawling insect sting, or any of spider species that threaten since its bite took weeks to heal completely,,,, he did not consult a doctor and apply polisporin religiously on his thigh swelling and red, the infection was spread on s 1 to 2 inches in circumference of the sting al inside of his thigh.

    7 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I'll tell you what it could be worse: nearly Michel fall down a precipice of Nepal,,,, all those who know Michael know that he has at least 7 lives like cats. His guardian angel is the most powerful of all the people I've known in my life. God forbid, I don t have witnessed his fall but he derapper of at least 2 meters in the air to find a superhuman strength that allowed him to aggripper s was the only rock stable and with one hand, it has raised his entire body of a blow dry to get back on the 2 feet ..... His nails were alive to have to scratch the rocky soil firmly before aggripper this rock. Him and his shoulder hurts terribly when all his adrenaline was lower, I've heard Souffir for the first time in my life and c was walking on our return to the lodge after seeing the base camps of Everest,, , the incident happened on the way to the base camps and I'd turn back if I had seen Michel close to death, he told me he saw the defilement of her life so her fear of dying was intense.

    Here,,, you know,,, in the light of my memories,,,, we're back safe and sound in 3 weeks
